Blogger Q&A: Who is Pure Nourish?


Jane from HodgePodgeDays has tagged me in a Blogger Q&A . I thought it might be nice to share some random information about me with you all- especially if you’re a newer reader!

When was the last time you cried?

A few weeks ago when I found out that my old Art teacher from school had passed away. He was a big part of my school life and supported my family and I when my little sister was suffering with cancer.

If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?

I think so. I like to keep my circle small and consider myself to be a very loyal friend, I’m a good listener and always reach out to my friends to see how they are. Trust is very important to me and I have no issues with ending friendships if that person lacks honesty or integrity.

Do you use sarcasm a lot?

Not at all. I’m probably the least sarcastic person.

What’s the first thing you notice about people?

Their energy. I love the quote “Your vibe attracts your tribe” so I’m attracted to people who welcome with you with a genuine smile and open body language. First impressions are very important to me.

Scary movie or happy endings?

OMG, I am a sucker for a happy ending. Especially if the movie has Ryan Gosling in it.

Favourite smells?

I have loads. My favourite perfume smell is Davidoff ‘Cool Water’ as it reminds me of my holiday in Turkey in 2008 with my best friend. I was going through a tough break-up and lost myself a bit. The holiday was so positive and gave me time to enjoy myself and live in the moment. I still wear it every summer.

My favourite essential oil smell is Clary Sage. It’s such a gorgeous scent and gives me clarity and a calm state of mind.

I also love the smell of fresh laundry.

What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?

Where I am now. I was born in South Africa and still consider it home.

Do you have any special talents?

I think that I am a pretty good cook considering I have never had any formal training. I also have a talent for learning languages really easily. I was one of the only kids at high school to do both French and German.

Where were you born?

Maseru in Lesotho (South Africa). But I was raised in Cape Town from a baby until I was 8.

What are your hobbies?

Gosh I don’t really have time to have hobbies now that I’m a mum haha. I have a passion for reading, shopping and football.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

My passion was in Sports Journalism. I was lucky to work with Aberdeen Football Club for a period, in their PR department. My boss (Dave McDermid) who is a big name in PR in Scotland then got me a Saturday job at Northsound Radio where I would cover the highland league football scores. I also worked for the local newspaper, The Evening Express.

I fell into the retail trap, which is a shame as it’s not where my passion is. I love that blogging allows me to write and work with PRs and the media.

How many countries have you been to?

Not enough.

What was your favourite/worst subject in School?

Favourites: Art, Modern Studies and English. Art because my teacher was so fantastic, very chilled and treated everyone as individuals. He was a total hippy and brought the best out of me. Modern Studies because I LOVED and still love politics, I loved the debating aspect of the subject and how every opinion counted. English because I had a love of reading and writing, and I loved being able to express myself through words.

Worst: The only subject that I really hated was Math. It’s something which I still hate now.

What is your Favourite drink?

Rooibos (obviously, being South African), Assam tea, peach iced tea, gin and a cheeky pepsi max with cherry every now and then,

What would you (or have you) named your children?

My daughter is called Amber. I’m a bit of a hippy so it was never going to be a boring traditional name. I love the name, River for a boy but my other half isn’t convinced.

Who are some of your favourite YouTubers?

I don’t really have time to watch YouTube, but my favourites are Tally Rye and Zanna van Dijk.

How many Boyfriends have you had?

Not that many. I was with my first boyfriend from the ages of 17-20, we lived together. I look back at this relationship with regret as I missed out on so much that most teenagers were doing. I’ve had two other serious relationships since then, before settling down with Drew, who I have been with for over 8 years,

Favourite memory from childhood?

When I lived in Cape Town my Aunty June would take me to a place called ‘Juicy Lucy’ every weekend while my mum was at work. We would always grab a freshly squeezed orange juice and a muffin.

How would you describe your fashion sense?

Casual. I do the school run and work from home during the week, so I normally wear jeans and either a knitted jumper or a long sleeve top with ankle boots or trainers. If I’m going to a meeting then I’ll skip the trainers and add a nice scarf and some make-up.

Tell us one of your bad habits!

Not drinking enough water, over-thinking things and making myself anxious to the point that I get ill, having a very short attention span and forgetting to text people back. Sorry I couldn’t choose just one!


I’m tagging any blogger who hasn’t yet being tagged!

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