Month: January 2022


{AD-GIFTED} Neubria Shine Mood

The winter months have always been a struggle for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the fresh crisp mornings and wrapping up for a morning walk but the change in seasons has always affected me mentally. I find myself wanting to hibernate, eat loads of unhealthy food and my mood dips quite drastically. I […]

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Book Reviews

{Gifted} Marabel- Book Review

I was recently sent a copy of Marabel by Barbara Wade Rose to review. Marabel is described as a tale for old-soul children and childish adults and it immediately seemed like a book that Amber and I would enjoy reading together. It is a fantasy book which isn’t my usual genre of choice but one which Amber […]

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{AD} Introducing Nivea Luminous 630

One skincare range which I am excited to try this year is the new Nivea Luminous which is an anti dark spot treatment which works with your skin to give you visible results in 4 weeks. Having recently had a pregnancy and with hormonal issues due to endometriosis, my skin has definitely had its ups and downs. […]

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{AD} The Edge 12 Week Fitness Challenge

One of my goals for 2022 is to focus more on my overall health, mental and physical. During my pregnancy I was consistent with my nutrition and fitness, I was doing daily home workouts suited for pregnancy. However it has been much harder to stay consistent since having a baby. I have found myself snacking […]

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2021 Reflection and 2022 Goals

Happy New Year! I can’t believe that today is 2022 after what has seemed an incredibly quick year. 2021 has definitely had its ups and downs for me and as always I find it helpful to reflect on the year in order to set my intentions for the year ahead. Reflection What went well for […]

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