One of my goals for 2022 is to be more financially successful in my business. Finance and numbers in general has never been my strong point, however they are crucial when self-employed. I recently did a money mindset workshop with hypnotherapist Marisa Peer which focused on money blocks and how to change my mindset around money. One piece of advice that Marisa gave was, “Successful people leave clues.” With this is mind I have spent time networking with more people in business, asking them questions and improving my knowledge through reading. This can be a bit of a minefield as for women we are rarely encouraged to be money driven. We are usually told to save money by not buying our daily coffee, or cutting back on clothes shopping. Men on the other hand are told to invest, invest, invest and take the risk! So it has been quite daunting as a woman, as a black woman to speak openly about wanting to be successful. I want a successful coaching business, and I am motivated by seeing others doing well.
I recently joined a programme called Enterprising You which supports the self-employed in Manchester who have been trading for over 4 months and who currently earn less than £27,000 a year. Since joining I have been given:
- A business coach
- A health & wellbeing advisor
- Free access to webinars and workshops such as cash flow, sales growth and marketing
- An amazing community of self-employed business owners with a monthly coffee morning organised by Enterprising You. Last months coffee morning was focused on our wellbeing.
It has been valuable for me to discuss concerns with my business coach and how to improve my earnings and to get their feedback and tips. I have lots of good friends in the coaching industry who are doing well and they are a source of motivation for me.
So here’s to manifesting a successful business and financial freedom!