Collagen+ Beauty Milk #beautyfromwithin


If you’ve read my recent blog posts you’ll have read that I am focusing a lot more on my beauty routine now that I’m in my 30s. I have best intentions when it comes to taking skin supplements but when you are already taking daily multivitamins it can feel like a chore.

Collagen+ Beauty Milk is something I am familiar with as we stock it at my work and is a very popular product, however it wasn’t something that I had tried before. So when the The Protein Drinks Co. asked me to review it I was pretty excited.

The Science Bit

The 200ml bottle comes in strawberry flavour and contains 5000mg Hydrolysed Collagen.

Collagen is one of the proteins found in most connective tissues, including cartilage, bone and skin. Hydrolised collagen involves breaking down some of the protein chains in to smaller units making the resulting proteins easier to absorb. So supplementing with collagen can be helpful in maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin and hair. Vitamin C is also added to Collagen+ Beauty Milk, vitamin c helps to make collagen so the guys behind the product have clearly done their research.

Also added is 50mg green tea extract, vitamin e, vitamin d3 and a vitamin B complex.


122kcals, 11.9g protein, 1.9g saturated fat and 9.8g carbs

Great to have alongside your breakfast or as a snack any time of the day.

On a side note I am now completely in love with this and hoping to see visible results soon (I’ve only been using it for a week).

*This product was sent to me to review but this doesn’t affect my opinion.

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