Lean Greens Review


April has been a very busy sleepless month for me due to transferring to a new store and revising for my Product Advisor test at Holland and Barrett, so when Tim contacted me at the end of March to review his  Lean Greens     supplement I was only to happy to agree.

Now I must admit that as much as I try to get all of my nutrients from food, sometimes I’m too ill to make a proper meal or too busy at work to take a lunch break, so a supplement like Lean Greens fits in well with my busy schedule and also gives me energy rather than reaching for unhealthy energy sources.

 What Is Lean Greens?

A powdered food supplement which claims to:

•Improve Energy

•Reduce Cravings

•Get rid of bloating

•Flush out toxins

•Restore gut health (good for IBS)

And contains..

Spinach 525mg, Wheatgrass 225mg, Barleygrass 225mg, Alfalfa 225mg, Chlorella 225mg, Carrot 187mg, Spirulina 150mg and Broccoli 112mg.

It also contains 2 Berries, 6 Digestive Enzymes and 2 Metabolic Ingredients.

It is recommended that you have one 15mg scoop a day either in water or mixed in with a juice/smoothie. I was sure I was going to hate the taste, as I’m not a big fan of Wheatgrass or Barleygrass but I needed a energy hit and decided to replace my first coffee of the day with Lean Greens. I was sent a shaker to use and the powder mixes really well in seconds, so I highly recommend purchasing the shaker.


My actual words to my boyfriend on my first taste of Lean Greens was “Oh, oh this is actually quite nice” it does taste healthy and ‘grassy’ but not bad at all. I didn’t feel the need to mix it in a juice or smoothie.

After about 4 days of having one every morning I felt less bloated (I started just after easter week and had eaten loads of chocolate and had a few takeaways) which was great. I also started to feel fuller between having the drink and getting to lunchtime. And my energy levels increased but without the crash and burn that you get from energy drinks.

Chlorella is also a fantastic source of protein on it’s own and helps to balance hormones, it’s such a great supplement that sadly doesn’t get mentioned enough. All together the ingredients in Lean Greens are packed with B Vitamins, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin C and lots of other goodness. If you were to buy all these on their own it would be pretty pricey.

On first look I thought that at £49.99 for the starter pack was expensive but then I calculated how much it would be to buy all the ingredients and trust me the starter pack works out super cheap!

I also received a little container (on the right in the first photo) which I use to take my powder with me if for any reason I don’t have time to make a drink before I leave the house.

Lean Greens would also be useful to take on holiday as it hassle-free and means you can keep on track and keep your gut nice and healthy.

I am totally sold, anything that gives me a good dose of energy and saves me money is a winner.

If you want to try it for yourself head to Lean Greens Website and my discount code ‘Pure 10’ gets you 10% off. Comment below or on my Instagram and let me know how you get on.

*Lean Greens kindly sent me the products in return for an honest review.


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