Review: Cinnamora Soft Drink


As someone who struggles to get their recommended 2 litres a day of water in a day, I am always looking for delicious alternatives to keep me hydrated whilst offering some health benefits. My drink of choice is usually coconut water. However a few weeks ago the people at Cinnamora contacted me on Twitter to ask if they could send me some samples to try.


I absolutely love cinnamon as you’ll know from my Instagram feed. It has long been claimed that cinnamon offers health benefits such as beneficial effects on sugar and cholesterol. However as I usually have cinnamon in hot milk or on oats I was excited to hear that there was a cinnamon drink that I could have on the go.

Cinnamora uses only Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Extract, Citric Acid, Sucralose, and Water. There is no, artificial flavouring or colours. I would describe the taste as similar to ginger ale, and light like coconut water, it’s very refreshing and best served ice-cold. It would also make a good base for a cocktail (since it’s almost party season and all).

I absolutely loved having a can in the mornings alongside my oats.



If, like me you’re not a fan of taking capsules Cinnamora would be a good alternative to cinnamon capsules.

Where to buy

eBay and Amazon (UK only)

And at selected stores across London.

*Contains PR samples.

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