2019 is in full swing and the focus on health is bigger than ever more. Record numbers signed up for Veganuary 2019 and medical professionals have started blogs making it easier to find expert advice online. As you know Human Biology is a subject which I am studying at the moment and the field of genetics is a big interest of mine, so it has been really interesting working alongside QLU Health on the health trends for 2019.
The Science Bit
QLU Health was co-founded by Shamshad Ahmed who has 30 years experience in the life science industry. He created the UK’s first provate stem cell banking company, followed by QLU Health Limited in 2018. Qlu works with several leading laboratories and researchers including members of the Hudson Alpha Institute for Biotechnology – one of the leading genetics research companies in the world. All of their home genetic tests is carried out in either CAP, CLIA, and ASHI accredited clinical laboratories.
QLU Health offers the following tests
- NutriQLU– DNA Testing for Fitness, Health and Wellbeing
- GutQLU– Gut Bacteria and Microbiome Test
- CancerQLU– Hereditary Cancer Test
- CardiacQLU– Cardiac Health Test
2019 Health Trends
QLU Health have been looking to the year yet and have established what they strongly believe will be the health trends for this year, and I want to give my personal opinion on each.
- Meal Prep– This is something which has been all over Instagram for years and which is popular with the #fitnessfam. However it doesn’t have to be all chicken, rice and kale. What I love about meal prepping is the ability to be creative by using up random produce. I love using Pinterest for inspiration. With more people switching to a plant-based diet meal prepping is vital to ensure you are getting all the nutrients and protein in every meal. Meal prepping is also a big money saver when it comes to making your own lunch for work.
- Sleep Optimisation– Sleep was a huge talking point last year and it was a subject which was covered on almost every health podcast. I actually listened to Matthew Walker’s podcast episode on the subject and the very next day I cut out caffeine after 11am, as well as focusing on meditation and no technology before bed. Research into sleep habits has shown the importance of the hormones cortisol and melatonin, how they work in rhythm and balance to optimise your sleep. People will learn more about how balancing these hormones plays a big role in sleep and understanding your own personal Circadian Rhythm,meaning sleep quality and thus overall health will increase. Most health watches now have built in sleep trackers, so you can see your length and quality of sleep.
- Going Dry– There has been a huge decrease in alcohol consumption in the UK over the past 10 or so years. As people realise the short and long term impact alcohol has on their bodies, particularly on their fitness levels, mental health and diet, going “dry” will be taken up by even more of the population.
- Intuitive Health– Intuitive eating has been a popular trend alongside the body positivity movement. It’s about not focusing on macros and calories but on listening to your body and nourishing it with what it needs without any guilt. Is is especially benefical for individuals who are recovering from negative relationships with food or who have special dietary requirements. This is something which I switched to and have found very beneficial for my mindset and health.
- The “Pegan Diet– While every year sees at least one new diet take off and hit the headlines – the 5:2 of 2012, the Keto diet of 2017 – we expect to see the“Pegan” diet take hold in 2019. This part-paleo, part-vegan diet takes eating back to its roots. Incorporating a diet rich in plant-based nutrients alongside the healthy fats of good, basic meat, it’s one that many health professionals advocate.
- Alternative Ingredients– 2019 will see more alternative and unusual ingredients making it onto our plates. As the world becomes ever smaller, we’re able to get hold of ingredients far more easily, meaning good nutrition is ever more attainable. Oat milk will be popular rather than almond milk (which is great as 1. It tastes amazing in coffee and 2. It is much more enviromentally friendly).Pegged as the new quinoa, chocho is a white bean native to Ecuador that’s high in protein,healthy fats, fibre and various minerals. They’re a hugely versatile ingredient in soups, stews and as a side dish, as well as making a fab healthy snack when roasted, and used in bread, desserts and drinks when ground into flour. These may be the next big superfood!A surprising addition to your coffee and chocolate in 2019 might be mushrooms! They’re a fantastic source of nutrients, offer the same kick as coffee without the usual side effects of caffeine.Infused water is nothing new, but this year, we’ll be seeing ginger water as the top option instead of lemon water. With excellent digestive and anti-inflammatory benefits, plus a zingy flavour. I love the benefits of ginger so pour me a glass!
- Probiotics andPrebiotics are essential for your body and we’re glad to see wellness companies adding them as ingredients to everything from granolas and soups to nut butters, making them more readily available on the shelf for consumers. One of my favourite ways to consume mine is through Kombucha which is a fermented tea. My favourite brand without a doubt is No1 Kombucha .
- Smart Jewellery Tech– My smart health tracker has been so benefical for me in terms of tracking my sleep, menstrual cycle and also to ensure that I am getting my 10,000 steps up. Many of them also have apps where you can connect with friends and family to set group challenges. What a fun day to stay accountable!
- Fitness– Community fitness has never not been on trend, and neither has fitness at home, but as we head into 2019, these two trends will combine with virtual training and online classes that you can join from the comfort of your own living room. This allows far greater access to different options for fitness and help from personal trainers in real time without the need to be in a specific area.In addition to this, business owners will be taking employee fitness and wellness more seriously. In encouraging corporate fitness through their own gyms or gym subscription perks as well as much more understanding of the need for breaks for self-care, they’re helping to secure the future of their workforce not only through their physical fitness but in mental health too.Which health trends will you be following in 2019?
*Collaborative Post