2015 Reflection and 2016 Goals


Firstly I would like to start this blog post off by wishing you all a very happy new year! I hope you have some Milk Thistle and coconut water for those hangovers 😉.

2015 was a great year for me and I am sad to see it go. Here are my highlights.

At the start of 2015 I was a month in to a Marketing position at WinNaturally. I initially applied for a Nutrition advisor position but lost out to someone with more experience. For my interview I was invited to the owner Julie Neville’s amazing home. A few weeks after being turned down for the position Julie emailed me to say she needed someone to run the companys Marketing and that she really wanted me to join the team. I built a great relationship with Julie and the team and learnt so much from her in terms of Nutrition and also how to balance a career with being a mum. I also made made some good football and rugby contacts. I was so upset when in March WinNaturally stopped trading as it was the perfect job.

With some time on my hands I decided to throw myself in to my blog. I redesigned my website, changed the name, registered Pure Nourish as a company and changed the focus from Food to Health/Lifestyle.

This saw me being invited to my first blogger event which was hosted by Ledigo PR at the Lowry Hotel and was an evening with Scott Disick. You can read about the event here An intimate evening with Scott Disick . I have built a great personal and professional relationship with Stephanie Ledigo and have attended many more of her events, the most recent being the V.I.P launch of Ultimate Performance where I got to interview Catherine Tyldesley from Coronation Street and rub shoulders with Emmerdale’s Gemma Atkinson and Josh from this years X-Factor. UP Manchester .


I have also had the oppourtunity to work with brands such as Organic Buko, Dr Zaks and Purition, and am a regular blogger and review for Organix Food.

September saw me join Holland and Barrett as an Assistant Manager.

I have even had the gorgeous Danny Cipriani as a customer and I must say it felt very surreal giving a professional rugby player Nutrition tips!

On a personal level my beautiful Amber has been given the all-clear after having Strep B Meningitis as a newborn. What a great end to the year.

2016 is going to be a big one. I am looking forward to growing my blog more and finally making a start on my first ebook.

Have the best year guys and thank you so much for the support.

Latoya x

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