Happy Birthday Amber, 7 wonderful years of you.
I remember the shock of finding out that I was pregnant in November 2012. I never saw myself as a maternal person before and the thought of becoming a mum scared me.
My pregnancy came with many complications. Hyperemesis gravidarum, SPD, anxiety and gestational diabetes. On the worse days when I was feeling low you would kick me or give me a little nudge as if you were checking in on me. At 8 months pregnant you would kick excitedly when the Neighbours theme tune would come on, and it’s funny how Neighbours is now one of your favourite shows.
My labour was easy and quick. No pain relief except for gas and air. However shortly after you were born you were diagnosed with Group B Strep Meningitis. We came so close to losing you. I remember the sound of you crying as the doctor did a lumbar puncture. Against all odds you pulled through, not only that but you didn’t have any side effects that we were told to expect such as slow brain development, hearing loss, speech problems or loss of a limb.
You have grown into an exceptional girl, wise beyond your years. Smart, kind and driven.
You are not afraid to speak your truth or to stand up for your friends. You have such a positive attitude to life and its challenges.
You have amazing wit and you make me laugh at least 5 times a day.
I am blessed that you have made my motherhood journey a very easy one.
Your confidence is admirable and I hope as you grow older and navigate the challenges of being a girl that you never let anyone dim your shine or make you doubt yourself.
Never compare yourself to anyone else and never doubt your ability.
I will always support you and I will always be here for any difficult conversations as you grow up. I will never judge you for mistakes which you might make.
I will always be your mum, your best friend your number 1 cheerleader.
Love, Mum. x