I love my friends, but being a mum alongside building a business often means that my social life gets neglected. Although I do love embracing my introverted side, and the opportunity to recharge my social battery.
However, there are ways to stay connected with your friends, even when you’re busy, and these are some tips which I love. Hopefully they’ll help you too.
Scheduling in dates- My best friend and I both love going to the cinema and bonding over our favourite movies and awards season is something we love to do. My friend has had a Cineworld unlimited card for years, and two years ago I decided to get one too. This makes it easy for us to catch up over a new movie, or the classics that Cineworld are currently showing. My friend knows my availability and is always in charge of booking the best seats.
Social media- One of my friends loves sending me funny Instagram reels, and sometimes it’s exactly what I need when I’m feeling down. We might not have time to chat every day but staying connected through something which makes us both laugh is a favourite of mine.
Be understanding- My close friends and I understand that we are all busy with family, work, health etc and there are no expectations to reply to messages within a specific time limit. This takes the pressure away, but we know that if one of us is struggling or needs support, then we will make ourselves available.
Last minute playdates- Sometimes a friend might put something on their social media that makes me think that they need support, so I’ll reach out and request a quick catch up after school drop-off, whether that’s at school or at the local park.
Celebrating milestones- One of my close friends sends me a Moonpig birthday card every year and it’s something that I love as we only see each other once a year due to her living in Scotland, and it’s always a reminder that I am on her mind. Sometimes I love sending my friends random gifts in the post such a few bags of Candy Kittens sweets or a book that I’ve read that I know they’ll also love.
What’s App- I love a love/hate relationship with What’s App, but it’s a great way to stay in touch with my friends who are in Scotland and South Africa.
Let me know if you found these tips helpful.