I have really enjoyed my work of diving into relationship and dating online with my recent blog posts, and the feedback has been great, so with that in mind I wanted to dive into the topic of taboo dating online. I’m very open-minded and always happy to openly discuss topics like sex and sex preferences, however I know that this isn’t the case for everyone which is why online bdsm dating sites have become so popular over the last few years. It gives you the opportunity to meet like-minded partners (casual or long-term) without the fear of judgement.
BDSM in particular is much more popular now after the release of the Fifty Shades of Grey novels and films and has allowed people to experiment in their sex lives more. It is more mainstream now and more conventional tv shows and films have also started incorporating the theme of BDSM into their storylines, and the popularity of BDSM related costumes and accessories has seen a boost in sales at specialist retailers.
Obviously in the current climate it’s hard to date in person which is why online dating is a great way to meet a potential bdsm hookup for when the restrictions are finally lifted. I recently spoke to a few friends who said that BDSM is still considered such a taboo topic and something which they would be nervous to bring up in conversation with a new partner. Having a space online dedicated to BDSM dating is a good way to allow yourself the opportunity to explore your needs with someone who has the same interests. With any dating site there is never pressure to meet-up in person but it’s a good way of starting the conversation of BDSM with someone experienced, especially if you are new to it and to ask any questions around the topic. Another thing to research is the safety aspect, including consent and boundaries. Talking to someone more experienced in BDSM allows you to decide what you might be comfortable with, and what might be a step too far. It’s important to have clear boundaries in place when it comes to any type of sexual relationship, so it’s advised to fully do your research on the topic. Research could be in the form of reading more novels similar to the Fifty Shades of Grey one, reading articles online or bringing the topic up with an open-minded friend.
Finding a dominatrix in particular is something which is very popular as we usually associate males with being the more dominant partner, and I would imagine that it’s not something that most men would find comfortable bringing up to a stranger in a bar, so the online community is a good way to find your match. The same can be said for submissives.
I love that alternative subjects like this around sexual relationships are becoming a little bit less taboo and allowing us to be more open-minded when finding a new partner or even just in conversation with friends.
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