Sea Life Blackpool Day Out

The lovely people at Sea Life Blackpool were kind enough to invite Amber down to spend her birthday there last month. Amber absolutely adores fish and loves watching documentries about them with me, so this was the perfect birthday treat for her.

The centre was only a 15 minute walk from the train station and is right on the beach strip next to plenty of fun souvenir shops.

We were welcomed by two very friendly front of house staff who gave us a map of the centre and a short description of what we would be able to see. As it was a week before the school holidays the centre was reasonably quiet, so we were able to take our time and really get to enjoy the experience.

Amber was absolutely engrossed with everything around her and took every opportunity to ask staff lots of questions about sharks and stingrays.

Talking of sharks, it was world shark day so we were able to sit and listen to one of the staff give a presentation about sharks and the ones which Sea Life have which was really interesting. I personally enjoyed this part of the tour the best as it’s always great to get an educational aspect thrown in. Also throughout the centre there are posters with facts and figures about how Sea Life has helped promote good causes and how to eat sustainable fish.

We also enjoyed the tropical rainforest and the new ranger table,which was incredible and Amber was excited when one of the staff allowed her to touch a millipede (Millie the Millipede is one of her favourite books).

We had a lovely family day out here and Amber still hasn’t stopped talking about it since.

*We were invited to visit Sea Life in return for an honest review


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