How to find a way of working from home during the school summer holidays.
I’ve had so many chats with some of my school mum friends about how to navigate working from home during the school summer holidays. 6-weeks is a long time after all! I already work from home with a toddler in the house, and during the school holidays when my 10-year-old is home, so I have some experience on how to make this work.
Here are my top tips.
- Lower your expectations and set realistic goals for the 6-weeks. Kids will naturally want your attention and you won’t be able to have 100% focus, so please don’t be hard on yourself.
- In terms of setting realistic goals, try to move the more important tasks to the afternoon when the kids’ energy levels will be lower or when they are napping.
- Prepare snacks and meals the night before. I love making the girls a lunchbox for a living room picnic.
- Set up an activity to keep them busy while you work. My older daughter loves making bracelets, which is a lovely activity as it requires her undivided attention and no mess! My toddler loves sticker books, so I’ll be stocking up on these.
- Ask if you can keep your video off or go on mute when listening in to a Zoom call in the event of any tantrums or meltdowns.
- Ask for flexibility with your working hours. Can you do fewer hours during the day and make them up once the kids are in bed?
Let me know if you find these tips helpful.