This is a post that I’ve wanted to write for a while but I sometimes feel overly anxious about sharing things that are too personal.
I’ve had a few months where my confidence and self-esteem have dropped to an all-time low and I have started to feel the fear creeping up again. This is frustrating as I’ve worked so hard to manage my anxiety.
I can’t pinpoint exactly what has caused it, but at the moment I am having daily panic attacks, raging from mild to a severe one a few weeks ago and suffering from low confidence.
At a blogger event last week a few bloggers brought up their anxiety about how they are perceived and the social anxiety of attending events on their own. It was quite refreshing to know that there are others going through something similar, and to be able to open up to them about how I was feeling.
“Making up an excuse, any excuse, not to turn up.”
This is one of the major factors of social anxiety. Fear of walking in to a room full of people, walking in to an event on your own or avoiding situations where you have to talk to strangers.
I have found myself, in the past being so excited about an event or a night out and then getting closer to the day and having panic about outfits, traffic, public speaking or how I’ll be perceived that I end up making myself ill with worry and having to cancel. However this then turns in to more worry about how badly me cancelling will come across.
I’ve been invited to and attended lots of events recently and have been lucky enough to take a friend along. This helps as it’s like having a comfort blanket.
In the past I have been hard on myself when it came to overcoming anxiety. However, I feel more educated on the subject and will win this battle by tackling it one day at a time.
Latoya x