One of my October goals is to get back to the gym and get fitter again, so I thought it would be the perfect time to share some tips for anyone who is in the same boat with their fitness goals.
We all want to be in good shape. Being healthier means we feel better in ourselves, lead healthier lifestyles and boost skill sets such as strength, stamina and flexibility. But some things are easier said than done and many of us struggle to get into shape. But not to worry, here are a few steps you can take to make getting fit and healthy that little bit easier for yourself.
Be Realistic
The first step you need to take on your journey to fitness is to be realistic. We are fed constant lies and exaggerations by many companies that capitalise on weight loss, muscle gain, and fitness improvement. They claim to be able to help you to get extreme results in minimal time, when this just isn’t reality. Getting fit and in shape requires actual lifestyle changes. It requires determination. It requires commitment.
Sure, there are things you can do to help yourself along the way, but there is no healthy way to shed tens of pounds or build pounds of muscle in a tiny time frame. The good news is that when you do do things properly, the results are genuine, will be easier to maintain, and will prove long lasting.
Choose Exercise You Enjoy
There’s no point forcing yourself to carry out exercise you hate on a regular basis. The gym isn’t the only option. You can take part in group sports. You can try alternative sports. You can swim. You can fence. You can play basketball, football, or rugby. You can dance. You can try out boxercise. You can consider pole fitness.
There are so many options out there that there’s bound to be something you might actually find yourself looking forward to.
Hire a Personal Trainer
Personal trainers can really help you reach your fitness goals. They’re professionals who have studied fitness and who know the best way to get you to where you want to be. They can listen to what you want to attain and then curate a fitness plan that will get you there. They also help you keep on track. After all, you’re less likely to skip a day at the gym if you know you’re losing money or letting your trainer down in doing so. Take a look at great personal trainers at expertpt.co.uk. I personally hired a personal trainer last year and it was a great investment and helped me to stay accountable.
Consider Talking to a Nutritionist
Exercise isn’t the sole thing you need to focus on to get into shape. You need to consider your diet too! Food is your fuel and you need to make sure you’re putting the right nutrients into your body to get the results you want. The right diet will help you feel more energetic, stronger, and healthier all round. So, consider talking to a nutritionist who will be able to build you a meal plan that will ensure you’re ticking all of your body’s boxes when it comes to diet.
Hopefully, these tips and tricks will help pave the path to fitness for you – and make it more pleasant along the way too!
Let me know what your fitness goals are in the comments.
*Collaborative Post*