Supporting Your Elderly Loved Ones Through Changes in Their Health

The elderly individuals in our lives tend to have been around for a long time. Often, they will have played an active role in our upbringing, helping to raise us, teaching us right from wrong and always keeping an eye on our happiness and wellbeing. However, as the years go by, the tables often turn, and we find ourselves having to keep an eye out for them. While we flourish and reach our peak, they begin to age, deteriorate, and struggle. While this may seem bizarre to us, it’s important that we offer them just as much support as they have offered to us in the past. They are likely to become increasingly vulnerable, weak and dependant. So it’s important that we monitor changes in their health and help to make changes to their lifestyle that will make things more comfortable for them. Here are just a few ways to check up on their wellbeing and provide for their specific wants and needs.

Accompany Them To Medical Appointments

Many elderly individuals miss medical appointments as they feel that they cannot make their way to them. Some people will no longer feel confident or comfortable driving

Others are hesitant to take public transport. So, request that they let you know when they have medical appointments and offer to accompany them. This will reduce missed appointments and ensure that they get any treatment that they may need.

Offer Alternative Living Arrangements

Some elderly individuals will be entirely comfortable in their current living situation, and many are reluctant to leave their own homes. However, sometimes additional help and support are required. For these individuals, live-in care or supported living may be the best options for their needs. This means that health visitors will be able to pop in and help them with their day to day tasks, such as shopping, cleaning, and taking medication. Others will fare better in care homes, where they will have round-the-clock support and also the opportunity to live amongst other people, socialising and forming new relationships. This can be a completely positive experience. Just take a look at the services offered at  

If you feel that any of this may suit your loved one, talk their options through with them. They may be completely unaware of the help and support that is out there!

Keep In Touch

Unfortunately, a lot of elderly people will feel that they are becoming a burden as they become more dependent on the help of others. Consequently, they will keep a distance. However, it’s important that you keep communications openso you know what’s going on in their lives. So keep in touch! This can mean phone calls, visits or days out. You will be able to keep an eye on their health and maintain a healthy relationship at the same time.

There are many ways to support your elderly loved ones through changes in their health. The key is to keep communication open and to help them wherever possible. It’s the least that you can do for them!


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