Billie Bacall is the author of ‘I Am Your Friend’ which is a collection of 100 original drawings to help elevate your spirits and inspire you. It is a book of hope, with a lovely positive collection of ideas to help you feel less stressed and overwhelmed.
As it’s mental health awareness week, with the theme of kindness I thought it would be great to interview Billie as her book has been so valuable in allowing me to show self-compassion to myself.
Q1. Hi Billie. Thank you so much for sending me over a copy of your amazing book. What was your inspiration behind I Am Your Friend?
The book evolved..I did not set out to create actually! Through some very dark times I started scribbling / drawing to cheer myself up. Then I realised I had a body of work which just grew. And then only then did I feel I had enough to share and create more. The whole process from its drawing to publication took around 2 years
Q2. I love that 20% of sales are donated to the charity Future Dreams. What made you choose them as your charity?
I benefited from holistic care during a period of surgeries and chemotherapy so I fully wanted to support future dreams as they’re working to create the haven at Kings Cross in London – a wonderful resource centre where women can have complimentary holistic care and attention. I know from personal experience the difference this can make both physical and for mental well being
Q3. Self-help books are very popular at the moment, especially in the current climate. What would you say makes I Am Your Friend stand out from the others?
Basically it’s drawings. Intentionally drawn in a very free and fluid manner. So its a quick hit..perfect for the Instagram generation. The vitality behind the images engages the heart instantly. Plus my choice of simple colours. Only black, yellow and red. Intentional. So its very instant. Its very direct. And to the heart -0 the epicentre of ll human life.
Q4. What tips would you give to a new author who is just starting out?
Just do it. Try. Write. Reams of it. Don’t censor yourself. That’s the edit process once you’ve done. And don’t talk about it, it diffuses the energy. Just sit down and do.
Q5. Imposter syndrome is something which many of us creatives have suffered with. Is it something which you have ever suffered from? And if so, how did you overcome it?
No sorry to say..never. I know who I am and I’m good with that.
Q6. What are your goals for the the rest of 2020?
Publish the journal edition of I am your friend. There has been a request for this. It is nearly ready and I’m excited for it.