
Book Reviews

{Gifted} The Healthy Hundred- Book Review

With my 40s fast approaching, I wanted to start taking more control over my health and wellbeing, not just from a nutritional point of view, but from other areas too, such as sleep hygiene and mindfulness. As a busy single mum, I often find that my nervous system suffers from the chaos, my cortisol levels […]

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Kids Nutrition

How We Can Give Our Children the Nutritional Foundations to Grow and Thrive

The hardest thing as parents is to make sure that our children are eating right. When it comes to raising children, we have to make sure we are giving them enough so they are growing properly, but we also need to give them those nutritional foundations that set them up for healthier choices. Providing the […]

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Product Reviews

{AD} NutriKane Review

A few weeks ago I introduced you to a new product that I was trialling for my blood sugar management called NutriKane. I have had a good amount of time to trial it and to give my honest feedback. It has been an easy addition to my nutrition routine as it can simply be added […]

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{AD} Introducing NutriKane- Could this be a new addition to balancing my blood sugars?

If you follow me on social media, you’ll already be aware of changes that I have made since last summer to improve my blood sugar, due to ongoing insulin resistance due to gestational diabetes in my last pregnancy. Some changes that I have made have included starting a medication called Metformin, eating blood sugar balancing […]

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Product Reviews

5 tips to support your immune system this winter

I don’t know about you, but I always find myself getting sick over the festive season, so this year I am determined to support my immune system to ensure that I stay healthy over winter. Here are my 5 tips to support your immune system this winter. Improve your gut health. Studies have shown a […]

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