Natural Whey Co. The perfect Whey to start my day!


I’m always looking for breakfast inspiration and with a toddler to look after I need to ensure that my choice is easy and quick to prepare and packed full of protein to keep me fuller for longer and stop any cravings, so ‘proats’ are perfect. Basically proats is just porridge oats with added protein powder or egg whites.  You can then jazz these up with cool toppings like fruit, nuts or nut butters. I love adding frozen fruit as it warms in to the hot oats in seconds and tastes amazing!

I decided to try my new purchase in my proats today. Coconut & Raspberry Whey from Natural Whey Company. This flavour is part of  ‘The Food Medic’ range. Hazel has developed three flavours all of which are amazing, but this one is my absolute fave!

Macros- 1 Scoop (30g) Kcals 113, Protein 24g, Sat Fat 0.5g, Carbs 1.1g (of which sugars 0.6g)


50g Oats

270ml Unsweetened Almond Milk (or water)

1/2 – 1 Scoop Protein Powder


Cook the oats and milk or water for 4-5 minutes depending on your microwave settings, stirring halfway through.

Once cooked remove from microwave and stir in your protein powder, add more milk or water depending on how creamy or runny you like your oats.

Top with a handful of frozen raspberries and fresh blueberries.

To purchase this protein head to and enter my code LFNWC at checkout to get 5% off all orders.




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