Organix Festive Fun Food Plate

IMG_20151225_132718 Photo Credit: Organix

The Organix ‘Fun Food Campaign’ is in full swing and is a great way to introduce vegetables to your toddlers plate. I’m sure we all dread the hours of Christmas day cooking only to have our cute little people demand only roast potatoes and turkey.


Organix have used their Carrot Sticks to create a festive snack in the shape of a Christmas tree. They’ve added cucumber, carrot, pepper and sweetcorn. And used hummus for the star. You can of course add any other vegetables too. This makes a quick nutritious snack and most of all, it is fun!

For my carrot sticks review which I blogged previously click Carrot Snacks Review

You can find more fun and healthy recipes by clicking Here


This week Amber tried out Organix Cheese Stars. These were a welcome addition as it’s so hard to find healthy snacks over Christmas which don’t contain nuts.

The cheese stars went down well (she even refused to share one with me) They are made simply with Corn, organic cheese powder, organic skimmed milk powder, sunflower oil and Vitamin B1; which helps to release energy from food and keeps the nervous system healthy.

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