{Gifted} Vitamin Coffee Review

Two of the most important essentials of my daily morning routine are coffee and vitamins. There is nothing better than the aroma of fresh coffee. Usually about 30 minutes later I will take my daily vitamins, but to be honest I’m not a huge fan of tablets, so when Vitamin Coffee offered to send me their multivitamin defence coffee to try, I was stoked. I am a strictly medium roast coffee drinker, so I was keen to try Vitamin Coffee.

The blend

Vitamin Coffee defence is a medium roast blend of Asian and African coffee with Monsoon Malabar beans. It has a lingering toffee and chocolate flavour which comes though during the very first sip.

It also contains a multivitamin blend  rich in vitamin c and d. It comes as a ground coffee which I loved as it gave me an excuse to get my French press out, which has been a little neglected recently due to our new bean to cup coffee machine.

As it’s quite a smooth tasting blend I love having a cup on a Sunday morning when I know I can climb back into bed, enjoying every sip without interruptions.

Vitamin coffee do a few different variations of their blend, and I am definitely keen to try the others.


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