The Challenges Of A Long Term Disability

You might think that a long term disability is rare. In reality, it’s likely that the majority of people will experience some form of long term disability at a certain point in their life. For instance you could develop RSI or repetitive strain injury. This causes severe pain and a potential loss of mobility in your upper limbs. It is often due to typing for long periods without breaks. If left untreated, this will lead to a disability that impacts various aspects of your life. That’s why you need to be prepared and understand what to expect, this includes some of the challenges of living with a long term disability. 

Mental Health 

First, it’s important to consider the impact that a long term disability can and likely will have on your mental health. Many people with a long term disability will struggle with mental health issues that can range from increased levels of anxiety to depression. The best way to deal with this is by using a counseling service. A counselor will help you understand this new chapter in your life and the challenges associated with it. Cognitive therapy can also be an effective tool for coping with a change like this that you were likely not fully prepared for. 


A long term disability can and often will be expensive. You should think about all the costs that may be associated with this, from changes to your home to extra medical expenses. This is one of the reasons why it could be worth exploring disability insurance. This will cover you if you ever do develop a long term disability in your life. You may also want to explore the support options that you are entitled to. This can provide financial relief if your income is impacted or if you are unable to work as often as you were once able to. 


A long term disability can impact your level of independence. You may find certain tasks more difficult than you used to. This is something else which can be difficult to come to terms with. However, there are options available that can make this easier. For instance, you may want to explore live in care services. Solutions like this will mean that you continue to live comfortably in your own home while still gaining the full support that you require. This can be arranged on a schedule that suits your personal requirements and goals. 


Finally, it is possible that a long term disability leaves you with chronic pain. This can be constant or recurring and regardless it will have a significant effect on your lifestyle. You might struggle to get enough sleep each night or you could find it difficult to work. That’s why it’s important to know how to manage your pain as effectively as possible. Do note that there are a variety of ways to manage chronic pain these days. However, you should always start by speaking to your doctor and getting a recommendation from a professional. 

*Collaborative Post

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