I was tagged in the Mummy Tag post by the lovely Nikki from Keeping Strong & Moving Forward . I hope you enjoy reading my answers.

Are you a stay-at-home or a working Mum?

I am currently working from home.

Would you have it any other way?

At the moment it is lovely having time with Amber but it is hard to work from home as there are loads of distractions.

My Newborn must-have?

A Moby sling. Honestly such a lifesaver and ensures valuable snuggle time. Great if you need your hands free too.

How many kids do you plan on having?

I would love another baby once Amber starts school. I would also love to foster as my family have fostered for 20 years and I’ve seen first hand how life-changing it is for both parties.

Date Night – How often?

Not often enough. To be honest it’s not really a big deal as we love family meals out. We have probably had two date nights since Amber was born. But we will sometimes book a weekday off when Amber is at nursery and go for a cinema or brunch/shopping date.

What’s your child’s favourite TV show?

Blaze, Paw Patrol and Dora the Explorer.


What’s one thing you bought for your newborn and never used?

I think I pretty much used everything.

Child’s favourite food?

Cottage pie or salmon.

How many cars does your family have?

None, we tend to walk everywhere and have good cheap buses in Manchester.

Weight Gain – Before, During and After Pregnancy?

I suffered from really bad morning sickness when I was pregnant, so I actually lost a lot  of weight. I was about 2 stone lighter post birth compared to my pre pregnancy weight.

What’s your dream family holiday?

A foodie holiday somewhere like Thailand or New Orleans. And obviously Disneyworld.

What’s your dream holiday without the kids?

It would have to be Bali or somewhere in Italy.

How has life changed since having kids?

I have a sister who is 10 years younger than me, so I have always been used to caring for her. This gave me lots of experience. I guess the main change is learning to cook and being good with time management, being more organised and swapping soaps for kids tv.

Finish the sentence – It makes my heart melt when…

When Amber tells me that I am her best friend and snuggles into me when we nap.

Where do I shop for my kids?

H&M, Primark, Matalan and Debenhams.

What’s your favourite makeup and skincare?

Make Up would be Rimmel and Sleek, great value. I love Mac’s foundations and lipsticks too. For skincare I swear by Dr Organics range from Holland and Barrett.

Huggies or Pampers?


Have you always wanted kids?

No, I’ve always wanted to foster or adopt but having kids wasn’t something that was a big dream of mine until I was older.

Best thing about being a Mum?

The unconditional love, teaching Amber new things like baking, reading, etc. Knowing that you are important to them and the endless cuddles.


So I hope you liked my answers and that this made sense. I now have to tag some more mums to answer the same questions.

I tag;  Simone at Married To A Geek

I hope you take part and I can wait to see what you write.

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