Give Your Kids The Support They Need In Uni

So, you’ve reached the time where the kids are off to uni to complete the last part of their education? They’re independent now, ready to face the world by themselves. Or are they? Actually, you might find that there are a number of problems that your children will face once they get to university and they will almost certainly turn to you for help and support. Can you help them and if so, how do you do this? Well, before I answer, we need to look at some of the issues that your kids could face when they enter into the next stage of education.

Moving On Up

One of the biggest issues of uni is that once they go there, your kids will constantly be moving. You might think that they can just stay in the first place all through their time at uni, but this will hardly ever happen. The first year will be spent in halls, and then they’ll choose a flat. Eventually, they might make more friends and want to live altogether in a house. The problem is that through the summer months your kids aren’t going to be at uni. This presents them and you with a problem. What should you do with all their belongings? Rather than bringing them back home or leaving them unprotected in a flat that might not have the best security, there’s a better answer. Student storage solutions can be found locally, and they could be the perfect option for making sure that property like this doesn’t become one massive headache.

A Car Is A Car

Your kid will need a car at uni. You might think that they can get by without one but that’s probably not the case. Even if they are living close to the university, your child might spend half their time in lectures and half their time working or on placements. After all, how else are they going to handle expenses? A car will also help them socially because everyone wants to be around someone who has a vehicle at uni.

Now, unless you’re rolling in cash, you won’t be able to afford to buy your child a brand new vehicle. Instead, you’ll have to help them explore the second-hand market, and they will need your help. Car dealers often take advantage of someone who they know doesn’t have assistance on the market.

Of course, that’s just part of the story. You also need to think about insurance because that’s the real killer. If you make the right choice helping them choose their car, you won’t have to pay for this part of the cost.

Conquering Stress

Finally, you should think about the stress of uni because it can be a real killer. I found university extremely stressful, being so far away from family, suffering from anxiety and trying to juggle studies and a part-time job. The number of people who drop out of year within their first year is alarmingly high, and this is due to stress. The best way to deal with this? Well, if you are ever stuck about what present to get a kid when they’re in uni, always opt for a massage or spa voucher. Trust me, it will go down a treat. Keeping in touch via FaceTime or Skype is also a great way to help any homesick episodes which may occur.


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