Chocolate Protein Overnight Oats

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1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk, 1 Cup Oats, 1/2 Cup Greek Yoghurt, 1 Scoop Protein Powder (I used Chocolate Orange flavour Diet whey from The Food Medic’s Natural Whey Company range and 1 Tablespoon chia seeds.

Simply mix all the ingredients together either in an airtight container or a kilner jar and place in the fridge overnight to allow the oats to soften. In the morning give the oats a stir (feel free to add a little more milk/water if needs be) and top with fresh fruit, nuts or seeds. I went for blueberries and mixed seeds.

My Gluten Free oats are available from and you can buy the protein powder at TheFoodMedic Chocolate Orange Diet Whey .


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