Month: June 2016


Fitness: Ufit Pro50 Review

When it comes to protein drinks I tend to make my own rather than buy the pre-mixed ones. This is mainly due to adverse reactions I seem to suffer from. However if you remember a few months back I reviewed Ufit Strawberry Protein Drink and found it not only delicious but also gentle on my stomach.  So […]

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Fitness: An Evening With Joe Wicks

On Thursday I was one of the lucky 300 people to attend a live Q&A by Joe Wicks aka The Body Coach at the Dancehouse Theatre in Manchester. The evening was part of his Waterstones tour to promote his new Lean in 15 Shape Plan book. On arrival we were all given a free copy […]

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Fitness: Getting Fit At Home With Gym Cube

So over the last few months I have struggled to motivate myself to go to the gym as often as I would like. This is due to a few reasons but mainly because my gym is a 30 minute bus journey away, so with travel and a good workout it’s 2 hours of my day. […]

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Preparing To Celebrate A Special Occasion: The Easy Way

Special occasions occur all year around, but there does seem to be a certain concentration of them in the summer. months! Whether it’s your best friends wedding you’re helping with or your own birthday party, preparation will be key. However, this prep time doesn’t have to be stressful and manic. There are a number of elements […]

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Beauty: Getting Summer Ready

I can’t believe that we are in mid-June already, one minute it’s December and I’m all wrapped up in layers and the next thing it’s summer and I am panicking about the excess Xmas pounds and unshaven legs (I know my fellow ladies with agree with that one). As a woman we spend so much […]

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