Month: November 2022

Product Reviews


If you’ve followed me for a while you’ll know by now that I was born in South Africa and spent the first 8 years of my life living there before moving to the UK. Growing up, rooibos was a drink that I enjoyed every day. It is grown in South Africa but is now a […]

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Product Reviews
Vegan Food

{AD-GIFTED} Violife Vegan Cheese Review

Cheese is one of my favourite foods, so much so that when I do Veganuary it’s the one thing that I miss. I’ve always said that I could probably go plant based if I found a good variety of vegan cheeses. Luckily Violife got in touch to ask if I wanted to try a selection […]

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How To Build Your Career With An Internship

Starting a career after college or university can be a daunting prospect, especially when so many industries are competitive. That is why applying for an internship is a good idea for anyone looking to build their career. An internship is a form of work experience which can be paid or unpaid and usually lasts from […]

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Tips for Making Education Fun and Engaging

It’s no secret that education can sometimes be dry and dull. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Teachers can do plenty of things to make learning more fun and engaging for their students. Here are just a few tips: Get students involved in hands-on activities. Hands-on activities are a great way to get students […]

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