Month: December 2023


{AD} Keeping the kids entertained over the holidays with Roblox Miraculous

My 10-year-old daughter is a big Roblox fan and has been for years. It is one of her favourite ways to spend time with her friends after school and over the weekend. Both my kids are also big fans of the Disney+ TV show, Miraculous, so we were excited to hear that Roblox and Miraculous […]

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Book Reviews

{Gifted} Fix Me- How to Manage Anxiety and Take Control of Your Life- Book Review

As someone who lives with anxiety, my day-to-day life can feel overwhelming, and sometimes even my most trusted anxiety toolkit doesn’t help. My anxiety has been at its worst recently, so receiving Fix Me- How to Manage Anxiety and Take Control of Your Life came at the perfect time. Belynder Walia is a psychotherapist who I had […]

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Book Reviews

{Gifted} The Art of Being a Brilliant Teenager- Book Review

My daughter is 10 and a conversation that always comes up is how to navigate teenage life when it comes. It’s so different to when I was a teenager back in the 1990s. Thankfully, there are so many great books available now, including The Art of Being a Brilliant Teenager by Dr Andy Cope & Amy […]

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Product Reviews

5 tips to support your immune system this winter

I don’t know about you, but I always find myself getting sick over the festive season, so this year I am determined to support my immune system to ensure that I stay healthy over winter. Here are my 5 tips to support your immune system this winter. Improve your gut health. Studies have shown a […]

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Book Reviews
Money Saving

{Gifted} Personal Finance for Dummies-Book Review

Finance and numbers have never been my favourite topics. I struggled with Maths in high school and, from what I saw, women weren’t expected to be that clued-up on finance anyway. However, this all changed for me two years ago when my partner and I split up, and I had to learn, very quickly and […]

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