
Last week I was invited down to Dive NQ to attend their press night. The evening was held to showcase their new menu. I was also able to take a plus 1 so invited my bff, Sheree.

I hadn’t been to Dive NQ before so wasn’t sure what to expect. On arrival, just after 6pm we were welcomed to a very laid back and chilled out bar area which had live music, always a good start.



Food was served around an hour later, with a member of management giving us a detailed run through of the new menu. Sheree and I shared a table with fellow blogger, Catherine. Good thing as there was so much food! Everything from tacos, to corn dogs, to hot dogs. And not to mention the selection of burgers which were incredible!






The burgers were so good, with the falafel being a firm favourite for me. I do love a good veggie burger. Especially when they are washed down with a cocktail, which in this case was the ‘Moonshine’ if you like a Mojito, then you’ll love this.


So after a huge amount of food (the photos above are only a small selection, trust me) we were presented with the ‘Showstopper Chicken’ which not only looked incredible but tasted amazing, full of flavour, crispy skin and cooked perfectly. Even though we were all full we couldn’t let this go to waste and finished the whole chicken off, oops!


Sweet potato fries and buttery corn on the cob were also brought out as sides. Perfect combo.

We were then treated to a dessert of our choice. Everything on the dessert menu sounded great, but we decided on waffles and the reese’s pieces milkshake. Great choice. I wish you could taste the photos as they don’t do it justice.



The food was varied, portioned well and there were good vegetarian options too. I also have to mention the lovely atmosphere and great music.


Disclosure: Meals and drinks provided by Dive NQ but this has not influenced my post.





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