October Favourites

So today on the blog I want to share some of my October favourites with you, hopefully these will be an idea for Christmas gifts too.

  1. Superdrug bath & shower ranges. In particular the sage & sea minerals muscle soak foam bath (which is great to soothe sore muscles after a workout) and the eucalyptus & rosemary relaxed foam bath (my go to product after a busy day at work). I am also in love with the dragonfruit & vanilla shower wash. All Superdrug’s own brand range are cruelty-free and vegan. They are also very affordable which is always good.

2. Jamie Oliver ‘5 Ingredients’ cookbook. As you know we LOVE Jamie and his new book has been a big hit with the family. We tried most of the recipes within the first few weeks, but we are still yet to try the desserts, so that is next on the list.

3. Meditating. I have been making an effort to meditate twice a day even if it’s just for 10 minute sessions, including on my break at work. It’s important to have that time in order to focus on your mental wellbeing. This little book was a birthday present, from Urban Outfitters I believe.

4. Coffee. Back in the day I would live on energy drinks and pro plus (my poor body). I was actually never a coffee drinker until I had Amber, trust me once the sleepless nights kick in and the stressful school runs, you need a coffee! I discovered a few new coffee shops last month and am going to put together a post on my favourite coffee shops.

5. Halloween. Obviously I couldn’t do an Octobers favourites post without mentioning fright night. We had a lovely family party at home and Amber loved dressing up as a cat.

What were your October favourites?


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