I’m constantly asked how I manage to overcome my anxiety, especially during stressful periods like Christmas. As well as attending regular meditation sessions when I can, I also rely heavily on meditation apps. These are ideal as you can use the apps from the comfort of your home or even during your breaks at work or college (remember your earphones). I always aim to meditate for at least 10 minutes twice a day.

Over the last three weeks my home meditation has consisted of trying out a new app called Thrive: Feel Stress Free . With 1 in 4 people suffering from a form of mental illness, this app has been created to help prevent, detect and offer steps to treat everything from anxiety to depression.

The statistics related to mental health is something which we can’t ignore. These include:

  • 75% of mental health problems are established before the age of 24
  • 76% of people with a mental health condition will never seek professional help
  • Suicide is the largest killer in men under 45


Thrive encourages support seeking behaviour and detects issues before they become too severe. Focusing on helping you to care for your mental wellbeing and cope with every day daily stresses.

The exercises within the app, mood tracking and systems all help to prevent mental health conditions occurring.


This is done by using PHQ9/GAD7 quiz to analyse a users mental wellbeing,

From this daily screen the app can determine if a user is suffering with anxiety and or depression.

You will then be recommended a personalised plan within the app and directed to the right external support to improve your mental wellbeing.


There are many forms of treatment, from mindfulness/breathing techniques to distraction therapy.

Each of the techniques are evidence-based, clinically proven and used in real life therapy.

Rating 9/10

Once you log into the app you are greeted by a bright Island screen with palm trees and a blue sky, a fantastic escape from dark cold British weather. You then have the option to choose between a breathing exercise, meditation, deep muscle or self suggestion. Once you have logged in you are greeted with a quick questionnaire on your current mood. You are then given a result to indicate if you have any current risk factors relating to depression or anxiety and suggested steps to take within the app.

My suggested goals which were related to me feeling overwhelmed with work deadlines and not sleeping enough were to improve delegation skills, go to the gym and zen garden.

The app is very easy to navigate and the guided calm breathing and meditation were especially helpful, with relaxing music in the background. The mindful earth meditation sessions were my favourite as I associate oceans and mountains with peacefulness.

Throughout the app steps are taken to notify you of any potential risk factors and if you would benefit from seeking further help from an NHS professional.

The app is well designed and effective, even if you don’t suffer from mental health conditions but would just like a pick me up.

There are three subscriptions available.

Monthly £5.99/Per Month, Quarterly £4.99/Per Month and Yearly £3.99

I would love to hear your steps to improving your mental health.

*I was provided with a subscription to Thrive in return for an honest review.*

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