Top New Year Health Tips

So It’s that time of year again where we  make New Years resolutions, join a gym, swear to go twice a day and build ‘operation Beyonce booty.’ You might even be looking to detox (by the way our livers and kidneys do a great job of detoxing us, so no need to do any fad detox) or sign up to some fad diet.

All you need is to find a fitness regime which works for you and fits around your lifestyle. This could be HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), swimming, rugby, zumba, weights etc. If you enjoy it, you will be more likely to stick to it.

Also your nutrition needs to be on point. Not only for weight loss/building lean muscle but also to boost your immune system, raise your energy levels and keep your skin healthy.

So here are my top tips to help you along.

Meal Prep


One of the best ways to stay on track is by meal prepping.  Invest in a few cookbooks or follow health food bloggers for inspiration. My personal favourite chef is Jamie Oliver, I find his recipes simple yet delicious. His new cookbook is genuis, he has recently studied Nutrition so the book has some fantastic tips and is perfect for anyone new to healthy eating.

I’m also a fan of Jenna Zoe who is a Nutritionist. Her book is my go-to for healthy snack recipes.

Lorraine Pascale is another favourite of mine, if you follow her on Instagram you’ll see that she focuses more on nutrition now in her recipes.

Sweet Cravings


My absolute must-have is Raw Cacao. Not only because it makes the most amazing hot chocolate and chocolate brownies, but also because it is the richest source of magnesium and chromium. Chromium facilitates the breakdown of insulin and can help to prevent diabetes and control sugar cravings. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant, so good for anxiety and sleep problems.

Healthy Snacking


For a sweet snack my choice will always be protein based as protein takes longer to be digested so keeps you fuller for longer. So I would normally go for a nut butter with Kallo rice cakes or 0% Fat Greek yoghurt with nut butter mixed in. I’m loving Pip & Nut and Dr Zaks nut butters at the moment.


Protein Powder


I’m a firm believer of getting all my nutrients from food. However we all live busy lives and sometimes a quick protein shake does the trick. When choosing a powder  1. Buy the best that you can afford and 2. Make sure there are no artifical ingredients.

I was recently sent a box of Purition to try and I would happily recommend it to anyone looking for a natural alternative. Each of the flavoured food mixes I was sent are filled with seeds and nuts and a small amount of the natural sweetener, Stevia and a protein boost from British whey, produced in Devon, or European grown hemp protein.

Herbal Teas

Swap fizzy drinks and coffee for herbal teas and water based drinks. There are so many herbal teas around but a few of my favourites are Dr Stuarts Liver Detox which contains Milk Thistle and is great if you have over-indulged. Peppermint & Nettle together is another favourite as it’s good for reducing bloating and peppermint in tea or oil capsule form is also good for relieving IBS symptoms.

If you’re not a fan of herbal tea I suggest coconut water or sparkling health drinks.

fruit energy

Lastly I would recommend Maca powder. I’ll be honest, the bitter taste takes a while to get used to. But the benefits are AMAZING! As a blogger, a mum and a manager at a busy store I rely on Maca to increase my energy levels and it really works. It’s also really good for mens health.

I hope this post has been helpful 😃.




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