Harlow has just turned 6 months old and is a month into her weaning journey. I started weaning her at 5 months as she was so ready, and it has been amazing seeing how easily she has adapted.
I decided to go down the baby purée route just as I did with Amber and have enjoyed cooking up homemade purées. We have also tried some ready made pouches especially fruit ones for convenience.
Harlow has loved pretty much everything that she has tried with the exception of sweetcorn. She loves broccoli, carrots and mashed potato. She also tried chicken curry last night which was her first time trying spices and she loved it, so going forward I am going to incorporate more spices into her purées.
We are slowly starting to add some finger food in but we will be mostly focusing on purées and mashed foods for the next month or so.
It has been amazing seeing her trying new foods for the first time and I can’t wait for her weaning journey to continue