Good morning guys, I can’t believe that we are coming to the end of March already! The first few months of 2019 has flown by for me. I have neglected the blog a little bit and have been mainly active on Instagram. There is a very good reason for this though. There simply hasn’t been enough hours in the day.
Firstly, we moved house at the end of January. I love our new place and I have a space which I will hopefully be using as my home office space. As well as the house move I have been working on ideas for workshops which I want to do this year. I signed up to Google Digital Garage’s Start Your Own Business Course and have been quietly manifesting behind the scenes. I have so many ideas on how to use Life Coaching to not only nurture young minds but to support parents too with my hygge and mindful approach to parenting. It is something which we lack in this country but which is very popular in countries like Denmark and Finland.
I am currently reading The Danish Way of Parenting by Jessica Joelle Alexander and Iben Dissing Sandahl, and a few self-development books and I hope to start putting some reviews and resources on the blog for you soon.
In terms of coaching parents I am playing with the idea of starting up wellness retreats for mums, which would be a mixture of coaching, building a strategy to manage your time better and building your confidence as a mother and self-care sessions. This is very much an idea at the moment but I feel like by putting it out to the universe makes it feel more real? My aim is to make these affordable and inclusive. I have always looked at similar retreats online only to be put off by the price.
Ultimately my aim is to help as many of you as possible and to create my own little community.
On a personal level I really want to find the time to get back into my gym routine, which I have also neglected. It is a great escape and helps so much with preventing and reducing stress. I seem to be more motivated to exercise when the weather is better, so hurry up summer!
Lastly, I would love to know what you would like from me in terms of coaching and workshops. So please comment below or send me an email to latoya@purenourish.co.uk
Have a lovely day! x