6 Crazy Things You Learn When You Become A Blogger

The awkward conversation when someone asks what you do for a living. It’s amazing how many people don’t know what blogging is, so I find myself waffling on a little bit. I always think that I should just call myself a writer. After all I studied Media Studies as a higher back at college (A Level for you English people) then an HNC Communication which covered Journalism, Public Relations and Marketing. I also have practical experience as a writer through working for my local newspaper back in Aberdeen, The Evening Express and before that I worked in the newsroom for Northsound Radio writing up the highland league football scores and highlights every Saturday. I then went on to do some work experience with Aberdeen Football Club in their PR department.

However, even with a proven track record in writing I still sell myself sort and find myself waffling “Well, erm I’m a blogger and I write about food, health and parenting mainly.” I definitely need to improve on how I introduce myself.

You start to value your privacy more because you share so much of your life across your social channels. I sometimes feel like I can across as aloof, especially when it comes to talking about my life. My job involves sharing highlights, family days out, restaurant reviews etc and sometimes I just need a break from talking about my life.

Social Anxiety is a bitch. One of the benefits of being a blogger is the opportunity to attend events. These events are usually full of a room of other bloggers and other V.I.Ps, for example local footballers and soap stars. Sometimes you can bring a plus one which is great but often you are on your own and it can be really daunting. I struggled for the first few years, especially around more established bloggers. Even though social anxiety still affects me, I know how to control it most of the time and I try and attend events where I can bring a plus one or ones which aren’t so group orientated.

PR’s will expect you to work for free most of the time. I have lost count of the number of times I have read an email requesting work and ending with “We don’t currently have a budget but we will share your post to our followers,” I’m sorry guys but ‘exposure’ on Twitter ain’t going to pay my bills or feed my child. Don’t get me wrong, there are some benefits to working for free, especially when starting out. It allows you to build a working relationship and gain content for your blog and if it’s a brand with the same ethos as me and who I already love then I am happy to work for free, but the issue is PR’s who claim to not have a budget but then you talk to a few other bloggers who have been paid for working on the exact same campaign. Not cool guys! Integrity always, please.

The perks are amazing and sometimes I have to pinch myself that this is my job. I’ve been wined and dined at some amazing restaurants, received some great products to review and Amber has been able to attend so many theatre shows and kids events. As a micro blogger I am very very thankful for opportunities which come my way.

Your online community becomes like your family, I have met so many amazing friends through the blogging world, we share the same passions and sometimes when you’re having a bad day you can reach out to them much more than to your actual friends. We share our ups and downs and they are a great source of motivation to me.

Are you a blogger? What crazy things have you learned since becoming a blogger?


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