A Little Life Update

Hey, I hope you’re all having a lovely summer. The UK weather has been glorious recently and life has been hectic, hence the radio silence on here since June!

I have been in the process of launching my signature group coaching programme as well as starting a level 3 nutrition course. I want to incorporate wellness and nutrition into the service that I already give my clients as my work is so self-care focused. The nutrition course is great so far and I can’t wait to get to the unit on behaviour change.

On a person level I have been focusing on my physical health by improving my sleep hygiene and managing my endometriosis symptoms better and resting when I need to. I have been reading lots, a mixture of self-development and nutrition books.

I have been working on what I want my 2023 goals to be and am manifesting some great things for the year ahead! I can’t wait to share more in my annual end of year review blog post.

I promise to be more active on here going forward as I have so much amazing content to share.

With Gratitude,

Latoya x

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