Starting the day with the right mindset is essential for a successful day. I have always been a champion of positive talk and morning meditations, but another morning essential which you’ll know if you follow me on Instagram is my use of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements which can help promote confidence, improve your self-esteem and increase productivity levels. They can be used whenever you need a boost of positivity, however they are at the most effective in the morning.
Previously I have used affirmations by writing my statements on a post it note and sticking it to my mirror, however I have been using the affirmation deck cards from Mal Paper and they have been a game changer for me. I already use their daily goal setter journal, and using the affirmation deck cards alongside these have helped me feel more in control of my mornings. The cards are designed to be used alongside goal setting or as journal prompts, and also enable you to become more mindful.
My 8-year-old daughter also loves the cards and we now have a morning ritual where we’ll pull a card each before leaving for the school run. She takes her card with her and looks at it throughout the day when she needs a confidence boost.
The cards come in a pack of 52 and cost £14. They are like having a positive friend tapping you on the shoulder to remind me how talented and worthy you are. Definitely a great investment for your mindset.