Lifestyle: DettolUK #gettheworldready


I was asked to work with Dettol Uk on their #gettheworldready parenting campaign. The campaign is focused around a series of lovely videos which follows real mums on their journey from pregnancy to nursery.

The films also offer practical advice for getting ready for your little arrival.

I actually felt quite emotional watching the videos and it brought back some lovely memories of getting ready for Amber’s arrival. Growing up in South Africa Dettol is the number one household brand and I remember my mum and aunts always using Dettol for everything, and being the creature of habit I am I spent a small fortune in the later stages of my ‘nesting’ period on their products to create a germ-free enviroment for my newborn. I also developed a bit of a pregnancy addiction to smelling their disinfectent.



Dettol was also the only brand I trusted when I needed a clean home for Amber after she returned from hospital after developing Group B Strep Meningitis.



Their laundry cleanser is fantastic for eliminating any bugs and germs.

You can view the beautiful and touching video below. And follow the campain on Twitter @DettolUkParents

*Disclaimer- This is a sponsored post and the photo credits are courtesy of Dettol Uk


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