Lifestyle: How I balance a career, blogging and being a mum


One of the main questions I come across on an almost daily basis is how do I find time to blog, have a career and be a mum. And that I make it look easy. I wish the latter was true!

As I am a naturally anxious person, I tend to plan everything I do well in advance, as there’s nothing worse than last minute panicking and it makes for a peaceful life.

Meal Prep Sunday: On a Saturday evening I will plan my meals for the week and write a shopping list. On a Sunday morning I do a mini food shop for a roast chicken, vegetables and fruit. I cook the chicken and use it for lunches through the week. For only £4 for a medium chicken you can make salad, wraps, curry etc for the week and it is much healthier and cheaper than buying lunch everyday.

I also make some sort of snack for the week, usually oatbran muffins (recipe is on the blog) or flapjacks. I get Amber involved in this for some mummy/daughter time.


The rest of my food shop is done online. I simply don’t have time to waste an hour in a supermarket.

Switch off the tv: I’m not saying never watch tv, but instead be mindful of how much time is wasted watching hours of tv at a time. A few years ago I would use the excuse of “I don’t have time” for most things. Yet I would find the time to watch 4 hours of tv after work, it’s easily done. I rely on Sky+ a lot. In fact I can’t remember the last time I watched a programme live. I schedule Sunday evenings in for having a tv catch up and I usually catch up on the Aussie soaps on the bus to work. This leaves my evenings free to blog, study my work qualification and spend time with my partner. If the important things are up to date then I’ll have a cheeky glass of wine and watch something I have recorded.

Work to live, don’t live to work: By this I mean put your family first. I love blogging but I love my daughter more and her needs come first. If I’m in the middle of writing a blog post and she wants to go out to play, the computer goes off. Make time to switch off from your job when you’re at home. It’s a great stress reliever and kids are only kids for a short amount of time.


Real Talk: Don’t compare yourself to the Instagram mum who has a sparkling clean house, perfectly turned out kids, and immaculate image. We are all losing our shit, some of us just choose to hide it behind a Valencia filter. Remember Instagram is only highlights of someones life, and we tend to only highlight the best bits.

Ask for help: You can’t be the best version of yourself if you don’t take time out for yourself. Something little like scheduling in a long home pamper session at home once a week while a family member, partner or friend babysits, or getting up earlier to have 30 minutes to read your favourite book. Being a mum, working or stay at home can be exhausting, and women don’t like to ask for help, but there’s no shame in it ladies.

So on a final note, get yourself a diary, schedule everything in and simplify your life. It might sound silly to schedule in a pampering session or zumba class, but you’re more likely to stick to it this way. x


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